Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Hey are you suffering from eye bags? Extreme or not so extreme? I AM! But after trying this few tips, i find that my eye bags are getting less puffier and slightly lighter. (:

Tip 1: Place two metal spoons in the fridge and leave them for about a few hours. When you take them out check that its cold and NOT TOO COLD otherwise it might stick to your skin. Then place them on your eye bags for 10-15 mins. Your eye bags should get lighter.
Note: This is useful when you are in a hurry and look terrible and need a fast solution. I find it temporary.

Tip 2: Take two chamomile teabags and boil them for 3 mins. Once its done, place them in the fridge and leave it in there for a few hours or a day depending on how cold it gets. Then place it on your eye bags. Your eye bags will gradually get lighter if you do this everyday.
Note: try not to leave it for more than 10-15 mins. Once, i left it the whole night, my eye bags got so much more worse.

Tip 3: Take half a potato and blender it. Then take the blendered potato and wrap it in a cloth. Take two of that and place them on your eye bags. Again, apply the 10-15 mins rule. Once done, you may apply a little under eye cream for more effective results.

And of course, try to get more beauty sleep! ;D GOOD LUCK!

BEAUTY FOR TEENS: why i started this blog

I started this blog because personally, I find myself google-ing beauty tips for a teenager and find myself self-conscious MOST OF THE TIME. So since i have a few tips i just might as well share it :D i want to make a place where everybody can share their tips with each other (: SO, have fun reading!

Much love from,